Swooshy is a luxury hair accessory company that caters to all types of hair.

The idea was born out of the need for a hair tie that doesn't dent hair much and also looks good on hair and on the wrist.

After plenty of trials we have managed to create the most dent-free Swooshy, while also ensuring it is comfortable, does not easily fall out and looks fabulous!

  • High quality, long-lasting & sustainable

    Our products are made with only the best quality materials. The cloud collection Swooshies are made from a high density flexi-satin that has a beautiful shimmer. The chosen fabric's density enabled us to create a perfect cushion over the elastic inside, which helps to reduce dents in the hair after use.

    The gentle elasticity of the fabric allows a stretch around the whole surface, rather than just the pure elastic inside. This makes it easier to shape the Swooshy to each type of hair or hairstyle, is a lot kinder to the hair and also helps your Swooshy keep it's shape and last longer.